This series digs into the meaning behind the goal God has given us: to inspire, ignite, and unite genuine faith in Jesus.

Inspiration in The Word

Message 1

God breathed the breath of life into man in creation. After man sinned, God needed to restore what man lost in his disobedience. God did that by giving us the Scriptures and by the Word being made flesh.

Life in You

Message 2

When the Word lives in you, Life lives in you. According to the Gospel of John, Jesus is the Word. When we receive Jesus, we receive the Word of God. That Word is a seed that once planted, watered, and nurtured will begin to grow.

Water for Washing

Message 3

The Word of God has a cleansing effect in our lives. In the book of Ephesians 5:26 the NKJV Bible says ” that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word,”. As we submit ourselves to the inspired Word of God it will cleanse us for salvation.

Water for Drinking

Message 4

The seed of the Word of God needs to be sown and watered in our hearts. 1 Corinthians 3:6 says “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.” As we plant the Word of God and water it God gives the increase.

Water in Abundance

Message 5

When we believe in Jesus, He gives us living waters to drink. Jesus gives this water in abundance. Jesus said in John 7:38 “He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” (NKJV) Believe in Jesus and drink freely of the waters that He gives.

How to Drink

Message 6

Isaiah chapter 55 gives a number of insights on how we can play an active roll in drinking from the fountain of living waters.

Fruits of Drinking

Message 7

What does it look like when the rivers of living water flow out of believers? This teaching explores what happens when the rivers are flowing and what it should look like.

Water to Wine

Message 8

Jesus first miracle was turning water into wine. Once the vessels were full something happened to change the water to wine. In this message we begin exploring the importance of being filled with the Spirit.

Jesus of Nazareth

Message 9

It is important when we look at Jesus to recognize His divinity and His humanity. Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born not only as the Son of God but also the Son of Man.

When we focus in on the humanity of Jesus we understand why God needed to anoint Jesus with the Holy Spirit and with power,

Delegation & Multiplication

Message 10

Jesus came teaching, preaching, healing. During His ministry he began delegating the power and authority given to Him to the twelve apostles, and then a group of seventy others. When we recognize that God has entrusted the continued establishment of His kingdom in the earth to the body of Christ, we can truly be conformed to the image of our master.