Home Groups

Home Groups

Our home groups are where we develop sincere, intimate, life-giving relationships with Jesus and each other. Some groups are fellowship and discipleship focused. Others groups are more training and ministry focused. All our home groups are where we live life together as a family and see God manifest Himself.

Ignite Disciples

Jesus told us to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations. Once someone has come to faith in Jesus Christ they need be around other healthy believers and discipled.

Discipleship is about being with Jesus, learning from Him, and growing in your relationship with Him. You do this by growing on your own and with other healthy believers in the body of Christ.

Ignite Disciples is where you want to be if you need family, fellowship, and a place to grow in your relationship with Jesus.

Ignite Prayer

Prayer is an essential part of the life of a believer. It is one of the primary ways to fellowship with our heavenly Father, unite with other believers, and be a part of seeing His will fulfilled in the earth. Ignite Prayer groups are led by individuals who know God and are proficient in prayer.

Ignite Prayer groups are where you want to be if you want to grow in your prayer life, unite in prayer with other believers, and see the fulfillment of the will of God in the earth.

You must complete a training course before joining an Ignite Prayer group.

Ignite Believers

Jesus said that we are to go into all the earth and preach the gospel of the Kingdom. Our Ignite Believers groups are one of the ways we show compassion to those who are lost and fulfill the commandment the Jesus gave us to go preach.

Ignite Believers is where you want to be if you want to: have compassion on the lost, preach the gospel, and see peoples faith ignited in Jesus.

You must complete a training course before joining an Ignite Believers group.