We believe in Jesus.

We believe Jesus is the Word made flesh.

We believe Jesus is the express image of the Father.

We believe Jesus is the only begotten Son of God.

We believe Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

We believe no one can come to the Father except through Jesus.

We believe Jesus is Savior.

We believe Jesus is Lord.

We believe Jesus is King

We believe Jesus is Healer.

We believe Jesus is Deliverer.

We believe Jesus is The Baptizer in the Holy Spirit.

We believe that Jesus gave gifts to men.

We believe in the resurrection.

We believe in the Day of the Lord.

We believe in preaching Jesus.

We believe in the gospel.

We believe the Kingdom of Heaven is near.

We believe the Holy Spirit is being poured out.

We believe in repentance.

We believe in remission of sins.

We believe in being born from above.

We believe in receiving the Holy Spirit.

We believe in baptism.

We believe in making disciples.

We believe in being conformed to the image of Christ.

We believe in growing in the fruit of the spirit.

We believe in the maturing of the saints.

We believe in the fellowship of believers.

We believe in worshiping in the spirit and truth.

We believe in ministering to the Lord.

We believe in ministering to each other.

We believe in ministering to all.